What is Synflex®?
SynFlex is a Pharmaceutical Quality Liquid Glucosamine product formulated with all-natural ingredients.
It is designed to ease Artrhritis pain, and aid in the rehabilitation of damaged or overexerted joint-cartilage.

Why Liquid is Best?
Liquid glucosamine is absorbed into your system more effectively than pills, capsules or powder form due to the fact that there are no fillers in the liquid form. Pills, capsules, etc only have 15 to 25 absorption to the body whereas liquid glucosamime will provide your body with up to 85% absorption rate. This will provide greater results in benefits overall, giving you quicker and better results.

Is Synflex® safe?
Synflex® is a very safe product, manufactured with 100% natural ingredients, an has virtually no side effects. However, consult your doctor before taking Glucosamine if you are currently pregnant or nursing.
- If you are allergic to shellfish, you should monitor your reaction and discontinue if any adverse affects occur. A small percentage of people who take Glucosamine may encounter light diarrhea or stomach upset. This can be avoided by splitting dosage between morning and evening.

Does Synflex® work for pets too?
Absolutely! In fact, Glucosamine was used to help with arthritis in horses many years before the beneficial effects for humans were known. Now with the high quality Glucosamine, the liquid formula for maximum absorption, and the ten other beneficial ingredients, your dog or cat’s arthritis or hip dysplasia can be alleviated with Synflex®.

How long will it take until I notice results?
Although our bodies are unique and come in different sizes, most customers report noticing favorable results within the first month of use. In pets positive results could be obsrved even sooner!

How do you take Synflex®?
Every bottle of Synflex® comes with a unique measuring reservoir. To use, simply open the reservoir cap and squeeze until the level of liquid reaches the desired amount. There is a 1/4 oz. and 1/2 oz. marker on the bottle. Once it reaches this level, you can either pour onto a spoon, mix it with your favorite drink, or take it straight from the bottle.

How long will a bottle last?
Every bottle brings 8FlOz of Synflex® that last for 32 days of treatment.
Recommended daily dosage for humans is 1/4 of an ounce per day of Liquid Glucosamine Formula Synflex®. You may wish to double the dose to 1/2 oz. the first ten days for maximum effectiveness.